Weaviate Newsletter – Weaviate Documentation

Hi Weaviate friends,

This week I'm working on learning how people use one of the most important access points to Weaviate, our documentation.

For that purpose, I've designed a short survey – anonymous by default – to get more insights into the profiles of people using Weaviate, how they use the documentation and to gather feedback on what we can do better.

Help us help you 🙏

We've already received many interesting responses - with many actionable points – but the more responses we get the better we can make our documentation.

Whether you are new to Weaviate or you've been using it for months, we appreciate all feedback.

If you're interested, please share your insights here and I will do my best to act on your feedback.

See you around

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you soon on our socials or Slack channel.

