New Weaviate Forum, Exploring FLARE, Ingesting PDFs…

🤗 Hi there,

Some interesting topics await us, so let's get straight into them...

New: Weaviate Forum

Introducing the Weaviate Forum. The aim is to make the Weaviate Forum the primary community knowledge repository and a place to get support for any Weaviate topics. This includes…

  • 📚 Enhanced Organization: Threads are categorized, tagged, and easily revisited, providing a structured environment for discussions.

  • 🔖 Efficient Issue Resolution: Mark topics as resolved and identify answered posts to address challenges effectively.

  • 🔎 Smart Topic Suggestions: The Forum automatically suggests similar discussions, eliminating repetitive questions.

  • 📝 Facilitating Long-Form Content: Share complex support queries, showcase projects, and fully exchange best practices.

  • ✅ Granular Moderation: Enhanced moderation capabilities and user permissions for a safe and respectful environment.

Join the Weaviate Forum to learn, get help, and share your knowledge with other like-minded community members. We are already there waiting for you. 😉

Vector Data Tips, Tricks, and Tech…


For a deeper understanding of specific aspects of the paper analysis, we invite you to follow the links below.

📚 Related research:

Also, we want to congratulate Connor on achieving his CS Ph.D. and becoming Dr. Connor! 🎓🎉

New AI & Data Tech…


Upcoming events

New Weaviate Developer Relations Team Members!

We welcome two exceptional individuals to the Weaviate team! Philip and Edward bring unique skills, expertise, and fresh energy to Team Weaviate. We couldn't be more excited to have them on board.

Thank you for reading

More updates in two weeks. 🤗

