We Love Streamlit, Datadog Loves Weaviate, and More!

Dear Weaviate friends,

It's a pleasure to see you here again! πŸ€— We are excited to present a new Weaviate Newsletter packed with great resources, exciting news, and much to share with you. πŸš€

☁️ Monitor Weaviate in the Cloud with Datadog Integration

Monitoring Weaviate in Datadog offers insightful metrics, logs, and service checks for your instance. Check your application usage, request latencies, import speed, and memory usage. To get started, simply spin up your Weaviate instance and configure the Datadog integration.

Don’t miss this simple way to visualize your database health and operations!

Vector Data Tips, Tricks, and Tech


Weaviate Integrated into the Streamlit Ecosystem

  • Demo Magic Chat

    • Experience Magic Chat, a chatbot powered by Streamlit and Weaviate, designed to search for Magic the Gathering cards. It offers multiple search options such as traditional BM25, Semantic, Hybrid, and Generative Search, allowing you to discover 27k cards from the Scryfall API for your dream deck. Whether you're seeking blue cards to nullify spells, black cards to create an undead army, or just cool new cards, we've got you covered!

New AI & Data Tech


  • πŸŽ™ Patrice Bourgougnon on WPSolr - Weaviate Podcast #60!

    • Join Patrice Bourgougnon, creator of WPSolr, as he discusses integrating AI search capabilities with Wordpress and Woocommerce. Gain valuable feedback on Weaviate and insights into the state of Vector Databases and Search, making it a highly informative episode.

  • πŸŽ™ Luca Beurer-Kellner on LMQL - Weaviate Podcast #59!

    • Luca Beurer-Kellner, lead author and creator of LMQL, introduces the super interesting new programming language for LLMs. Explore its syntax, integration with existing LLM frameworks, emerging functions, and the future of composable models, making it a must-listen episode.

  • πŸ¦™ Episode 2: Indexes in LlamaIndex

    • Dive into the three indexes (Vector Store Index, List Index, and Tree Index) and walk through the architecture design. The video ends with a Vector Store Index and List Index demo.

  • πŸŽ™ Andriy Mulyar on Nomic AI, Atlas, and GPT4All - Weaviate Podcast #58!

    • Welcome Andriy Mulyar, Co-Founder of Nomic AI, a company that raised $17M in series A funding. Discover their innovative products such as Atlas and GPT4All, while exploring Andriy's vision for their current state and future evolution.

Upcoming events

Welcome New Members to Team Weaviate

Introducing the newest members of our team!

This picture was taken during the People & Culture welcome sessions with Jessie and Ara.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks for Reading

If you have any questions about Weaviate, vector databases, documentation, or anything else, head to the Weaviate Forum. See you in two weeks!

