Autonomous Agents Hackathon, GPTCache Integration, and AI Advancements

Hello Weaviate friends,

Guess what? It's that time again! We're excited to present the latest batch of Weaviate resources and updates. Let's jump right in and explore! πŸš€

Join the SuperAGI Autonomous Agents Hackathon with Weaviate! πŸš€

Step into the Autonomous Agents Hackathon, a platform where you can explore the capabilities of autonomous agents to address real-world challenges! πŸ€–πŸ” Regardless of whether you're an AI enthusiast or a skilled coder, this event offers you a valuable opportunity to work with frameworks such as SuperAGI and AutoGPT.

Resources to Guide You: We're here to support your success in the Autonomous Agents Hackathon. This set of resources will be your compass on this journey. Whether you're new to this field or an experienced developer, these tools will help you navigate the development of autonomous agents and tackle real-world problems. Here's what we offer:

πŸ† Rewards include cash prizes up to $2,500, Weaviate credits, cool swag, Amazon Alexa/Firestick devices, and more. This is your opportunity to learn and compete with enthusiasm. Do we see you there?

Vector Data Tips, Tricks, and Tech


Magic Chat: Winner of Streamlit Connections Hackathon

Weaviate in Collaboration with the Streamlit Ecosystem

  • Check out the Magic Chat Demo

    • Explore Magic Chat, a chatbot powered by both Streamlit and Weaviate. It's designed to help you search for Magic the Gathering cards. With various search options like traditional BM25, Semantic, Hybrid, and Generative Search, you can delve into 27k cards sourced from the Scryfall API for your card-playing desires. We've got you covered whether you're after blue cards to counter spells, black cards to summon an undead army, or simply interested in discovering new cards.

Newest AI & Data Technology Developments

Podcasts to Tune Into

Upcoming Events

Welcoming New Members to Team Weaviate

Say hello to our fresh faces!

Thank You for Reading

Got questions about Weaviate, vector databases, documentation, or anything else? Check out the Weaviate Forum and join the conversation. See you again in two weeks!

